How to have a Covid Wedding
Hannah Mitchell·June 28, 2021
Lee Petra Grebenau
What are the rules for a Covid Wedding?
Covid-19 has affected everyone across the world in some significant way. It could be jobs, education, or weddings. With it now being June 2021, we have become well equipped in our covid tool belt and dealing with wedding restrictions is just another adjustment to be made.
If you've had a wedding planned in the past 18 months you'll know the pain and heartache of pushing your big day back time and time again - but, no more.
Luckily as of 21st June 2021 there are further eases allowing everyone to be one step closer to their dream wedding. It can be disappointing for weddings to not live up to expectations you may have set in your mind but weddings during this time can be intimate and personal creating a private moment for both couples.
A good place to start is with what the rules are regarding covid weddings?
I am sure I’m not alone in constantly getting confused about who I can and can’t see, what I can and can’t do?
On the government website it states “From 21 June, there will no longer be a maximum number cap for attendees set out in law. Instead, the number of attendees at weddings, civil partnerships and receptions will be determined by how many people the venue or space can safely accommodate with social distancing measures in place.
This will be based on the COVID-19 risk assessment of the venue or outdoor space, and the measures put in place to limit the spread of COVID-19.”
It goes on to say that other venues with more than 30 guests (including gardens) will need to complete a covid-19 risk assessment to find out how many guests can attend.
It appears on summary that outdoor weddings can hold more than 30 with indoor ceremonies still being restricted. Plus weddings will continue with additional safety measures in place including; specific requirements on table service, face coverings, social distancing, and guidance on dancing and singing.
As always check the government website for rules and regulations :
It is a slow-moving process coming back to normality but there are plenty of benefits to having a smaller ceremony.
Is this not a perfect excuse to not invite certain people to you wedding? That cousin of a cousin that you felt you had to invite -no worries anymore! Small intimate weddings allow you to take the time to interact with everyone that you invited instead of a rushed hi and bye through all of your distant relatives!
Many brides express how fast the day goes, and they do not see everyone that was invited. In addition, lots of people can also feel overwhelmed with many eyes on them and a small group of 30 people can sometimes be more comfortable and selective, allowing both couples to take a breath and really evaluate who they want to spend their day with.
We'd love to hear your experience with a wedding during this time - how did it go? Let us know in the comments.
As always, stay safe, follow the guidelines but most importantly, have the best day ever with your best people ever.
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