A Spring in your step: 7 simple ideas for your Spring Wedding
You can feel it can't you. The sun is shining a little brighter, the air is feeling a little warmer and the nights are getting a little lighter; spring is finally here.
Spring is such a lovely time of year, especially to get married. A time for new beginnings, fresh flowers and lots of colour, we've got 8 simple ways to add a little spring to your wedding.
1) DIY Floral Centrepiece
Image by: Rock my Wedding
I love this fairly inexpensive, but impressive, alternative to flower arrangements for your table centrepiece. A really simple look to achieve, you just need to find as many small glass vases as possible - luckily, on places like Facebook Marketplace, there are always little vases like these going cheap. Alternatively, take a look at Hobby Craft who sell multipacks of little vases, bottles and jars that you can mix and match.
The drawback of this is set up on the day (to make sure the flowers stay fresh!). To avoid any extra work on the big day, recruit one of the bridesmaids as chief flower officer to sprinkle these around all the tables!
2) Now add candles
L: Rock my Wedding R: Sunny Lifestyle
With Spring drawing the nights out longer, adding candles to your wedding tables will add a beautiful glow come the evening of your Wedding Day. I love the bold colours that Rock my Wedding have used; make sure you have a strong colour palette first before taking to Etsy for your colourful candles to make sure they all work together.
If you've got a more subtle colour palette, try something similar to Sunny Lifestyle (right.) Here, they've trapped dried flower stems in little jars and vases and sealed with a tall candle on top. Impressive and gorgeous!
3) Pimp your Cocktails
Okay, how cute are these? It's super quick to buy edible flowers for your cocktails online or choose your own that match your colour scheme. If you're not sure which flowers work best, have a read here: Edible Flowers Blog. Not all flowers can be used, so if you have your heart set on one variety, why not try cocktails like the image on the left. That little peg on the side of the coupe changes everything! J'adore.
4) Floral Wedding Signage
L: via The Wedding Notebook, R: Gloam
I am obsessed with both of these. The sign on the left is suchhhh a simple and inexpensive way to bring a touch of spring into your wedding signage. Grab some dried flowers online (or dry your own!) and a simple dab of gorilla glue will transform even the plainest of wedding signage.
The right is slightly trickier to execute with the base of the sign being turned into a flower tray, but if you're a dab hand with a screwdriver, you could attach a flower tray to an A-Board and create your own. I love the choice of Wildflowers used here, but you could work with your florist to incorporate your wedding flowers here.
5) Floating Florals
A glass bottle (as linked above), a little gorilla glue, string and some flowers and you have an amazing floating flower display. This will work especially well if you're having some (or all) of your wedding outdoors and have trees and branches that you can hang these off of.
You could even do some that have little fairy lights or candlelights inside to give a subtle glow in the evening.
6) Bright backdrops
L: WedLuxe, R: Domaine Home
Okay, so I know the blog post says 'simple' ideas and both of these will take a little preparation. The image on the Left may prove difficult to execute without a bright white venue but look at those pops of colourful florals against the white pillar candles and archway. Di-vine.
The right image is doable, with a little patience and prep time. I would suggest recruiting a friend or florist to help you achieve this look as you won't have the time (will or want) to do this on the morning of your wedding day! It is, however, simple to achieve with an invisible thread and your choice of wedding flowers.
7) Spring sweet-treats
Another way to add a pop of colour into your Spring wedding is with your cake or sweet treats. I love both of these. The same edible flowers used in the cocktails above can be used for your wedding cake and macaroons can be baked in all sorts of colours to match your theme!
I hope this has given you some inspiration for bringing a pop of colour into your Spring Wedding! Which is your favourite idea? Or better yet, did you try any of these for your wedding day?
Han & The Hayze Team